Hi there, 

Hi Joe! Thanks for following up on this! These are funny - Wikipedia should be humorously self-aware sometimes. Even though this is from like last week, these are ever green pieces of info about Wikipedia so I'll go ahead and get these out. 

On Mon, Aug 17, 2015 at 9:46 AM, Joe Sutherland <jsutherland@wikimedia.org> wrote:
This isn't really my area of social responsibility so I'll let Michael make the final call on this language :)


On 17 August 2015 at 03:50, Gregory Varnum <greg.varnum@gmail.com> wrote:
I chuckled at both - and like them. Might be amusing to point out one specific aspect like the 9 cricket players - "...on Wikipedia (including 9 cricket players and 65 politicians)". 


Sent from my iPhone - a more detailed response may be sent later.

On Aug 16, 2015, at 10:32 PM, James Alexander <jalexander@wikimedia.org> wrote:

 Comments in line but I like these, a little self depreciation and humor.

James Alexander
Community Advocacy
Wikimedia Foundation

On Sun, Aug 16, 2015 at 7:18 PM, Joe Sutherland <jsutherland@wikimedia.org> wrote:
Late on this, but here's some potential social if we want to get something on this:

• Did you know there are more than 200 "John Smith"s on Wikipedia? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Smith

move then 200 seems legitimate and defendable. LGTM
• Need to disambiguate disambiguation? We have a page for that. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disambiguation_(disambiguation)

lawl; also LGTM. Half of me wishes we could wikilink disambiguation to wiktionary but it's on the page :)

Excuse the maths, it's just after 3am here… :)


/Standard american grumbles about how mathematics is singular math not maths blah blah ;) /  
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