Thanks so much!

On Fri, Apr 3, 2015 at 12:27 PM, Fabrice Florin <> wrote:
Hello Michael and social media team.

We just published an update about the Inspire Campaign on the Wikimedia blog:

Many thanks to Patrick, Alex, Siko, Andrew and everyone who worked on that story ! :)

We propose the following social media messaging:


Our Inspire Campaign received hundreds of new ideas to increase gender diversity on Wikimedia projects #gender


Our Inspire Campaign received hundreds of new ideas to increase gender diversity on Wikimedia projects. Read about the campaign and its highlights, and learn about the next steps to develop these new ideas into viable grant applications.

Feel free to tweak as needed.

Next up this afternoon: a roundup on our top stories last month about women and gender diversity.

Thanks for sharing!



Fabrice Florin
Movement Communications Manager
Wikimedia Foundation

Alexandra Wang
Program Officer
Project & Event Grants
+1 415-839-6885
Skype: alexvwang