Edits below and LGTM!
AND/OR tweet from @Wikipedia too :
t: Stunning! New data visualizations based on English & Chinese Wikipedia "Color" articles are a must-see
t: How does language "color" our perception? Data scientist @muyueh found out using Wikipedia:
t: Did you know that the top 3 colors in English are Blue, Green, & Pink? Cool new Wikipedia visualization explains:
t: Red, Blue, Green are the top colors in the Chinese language according to cool new Wikipedia visualization by @Muyueh
t: Do languages have favorite colors? Yes, says data scientist @Muyueh with vivid data visualization based on Wikipedia:
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f/g: Do different languages describe color in different ways? Data scientist Muyueh Lee wanted to find out. Using the English and Chinese Wikipedia articles for data, he came up with this eye-popping visualization that has some interesting findings on how language shapes our perceptions. Take a look:
f/g: "Languages represent our view of the world, and knowing its limits help us understand how our perception works," says data scientist Muyueh Lee, the creator of the eye-popping Wikipedia infographic that visualizes how English and Chinese languages describe colors.