Following the recent Tech news blog post, Waldir left a comment on the
MediaWiki Google+ page asking if it would be possible to post the link
to the weekly tech newsletter on social media channels:
When I started the newsletter last year, I didn't want to post it
every week on SM channels because we were just starting out. Now that
the publication is reasonably steady, Waldir's comment has me
rethinking the possibility.
So, I'm considering posting the link to the latest tech newsletter
every morning when it's delivered to the subscribers across wikis. The
link would be posted on all 3 channels (Facebook, Twitter and Google+)
but only from the MediaWiki accounts for now. We might want to reshare
or retweet it frow @Wikimedia from time to time, but for now I'd like
to focus on getting started from @mediawiki.
Guillaume Paumier
Technical Communications Manager — Wikimedia Foundation
Social-media mailing list