From Etienne in private conversation: "Also, seems like there is a little precedent for the combination:"

And from #wikimedia-operations discussion:

21:51 <Urbanecm> I'm...honestly not sure this (the task itself) is a good idea. When there will be sco.wikt, will we move the namespace there? idk...
21:52 <@Reedy> Will there ever be?
21:52 <@Reedy> Any time soon? :)
21:52 <RhinosF1> Possibly and no
21:53 <RhinosF1> Urbanecm: that’d be a choice between and the new sco.wikt
21:53 <Urbanecm> Reedy: idk - up to the langcom IG
21:54 <RhinosF1> Urbanecm: someone asked during the RfC and MJL said:
21:54 <RhinosF1> Wiktionary isn't really a "project" as much as it is a set of projects. We have English Wiktionary and Simple English Wiktionary, yes. Would there ever be a Scots Wiktionary? It is highly unlikely. It'd be the third (and smallest) Anglic language Wiktionary and would require we split our time in half.
21:54 <RhinosF1> There's also a lot more already established oddities if you look for them. We have a news section despite not being a newspaper, and we have a portal system despite not being a directory. Also, English Wikisource currently serves as the repository for all texts in Scots despite the two being separate languages. Things aren't cut and dry.
21:55 → mvolz___ joined (~mvolz@
21:55 <Urbanecm> well, creating the namespace would also require someone working  at content there and someone at enwikt/simplewikt. The news argument is compelling, through.
21:56 <Urbanecm> once again, I'm really not sure on this one - since i was mentioned, just wanted to comment on that
21:58 <RhinosF1> It’s a nice idea and I fully get the rationale behind it. It’s probably better than creating a wiki to be barely used and cleaner than incubator. I imagine if it was there on wiki it might be more encouraging to work on and it’s one admin team etc.. doing everything so less work
21:58 <RhinosF1> One vandal hits two wikis means twice the work. They hit only one and there’s half the work. Half the areas to monitor etc..
21:58 <Urbanecm> i see

so 7. 3. 2020 v 22:20 odesílatel RhinosF1 <> napsal:

I get where Martin comes from about bypassing LangCom as my impression is that it is due to the lack of ability for a sco.wikt on the count of lack of time users have and how small it would be. We can delay deployment if needed.

I understand why MJL proposed this as it reduces some of the work but having projects have combos might be worth a discussion. I’ll speak to them to see if they want to opine.


On Saturday, 7 March 2020 20:32:46 UTC, martin.urbanec  wrote:
> Hi, 
> I would like to point your attention to To me, this seems like a bypassing of the LangCom. 
> What do you all think?
> Martin

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