Hi there,I hope this is the right list for a RESTBase query? Let me know if this is the wrong list, or I should head over to Phabricator.I'm visiting a large number of Wikipedia pages' specific versions (for the Crossref Event Data service, if you're interested - https://www.eventdata.crossref.org/guide ). I'm getting page ids / versions from EventStreams. I'm using the RESTBase API because it gives the cleanest HTML and it was recommended to me for the volume of queries, e.g.I want to get the canonical URL for that version page, e.g.The 'normal' HTML view of a page supplies the canonical URL as a <link rel="canonical"> tag, but the RESTBase response doesn't. It does supply an isVersionOf link though:<link rel="dc:isVersionOf" href="//ceb.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quebrada_Fantasma "/>Questions:1 - Is the isVersionOf URL in RESTBase identical to the "official" canonical URL that I would get from the HTML metadata (using https:)?
2 - Is the "title" component of the RESTBase URL the same as used in the Canonical URL? The Swagger docs say "Page title. Use underscores instead of spaces. Example: Main_Page". I'm not clear if that is the same thing.
3 - Is there a general recommended way of getting the canonical URL for a page from RESTBase?
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