Hi there,

I hope this is the right list for a RESTBase query? Let me know if this is the wrong list, or I should head over to Phabricator.

I'm visiting a large number of Wikipedia pages' specific versions (for the Crossref Event Data service, if you're interested - https://www.eventdata.crossref.org/guide ). I'm getting page ids / versions from EventStreams. I'm using the RESTBase API because it gives the cleanest HTML and it was recommended to me for the volume of queries, e.g. 


I want to get the canonical URL for that version page, e.g. 


The 'normal' HTML view of a page supplies the canonical URL as a <link rel="canonical"> tag, but the RESTBase response doesn't. It does supply an isVersionOf link though:

<link rel="dc:isVersionOf" href="//ceb.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quebrada_Fantasma"/>


1 - Is the isVersionOf URL in RESTBase identical to the "official" canonical URL that I would get from the HTML metadata (using https:)? 

2 - Is the "title" component of the RESTBase URL the same as used in the Canonical URL? The Swagger docs say "Page title. Use underscores instead of spaces. Example: Main_Page". I'm not clear if that is the same thing.

3 - Is there a general recommended way of getting the canonical URL for a page from RESTBase?

Thanks in advance!

Joe Wass
