Would this be a logical thing to have as part of Wikiversity?

Peer review does seem to me very like a Featured article process but with credentialled reviewers.


On 22 September 2011 09:53, Milos Rancic <millosh@gmail.com> wrote:
Goran and I were talking yesterday and it reminded me on the need
which I have from time to time in relation to the Language committee:
Wikimedia peer reviewed journal. A couple of months ago I thought to
push it as Language committee issue, but yesterday we've released that
it's more logical to have it under RCom umbrella.

The journal should publish papers needed by Wikimedia. If we need a
research or even a review about anything, we could offer to a
researcher or scientist publishing the paper in our journal (of
course, if it passes some minimums). Creating infrastructure for peer
reviewed journal shouldn't be too hard or costly.


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