Milos, though we are on opposite sides in the image filter debate, I understand what you are saying - those who formulate a consultation survey with a view to getting a particular result are unlikely to want neutral input into the wording of the questions. But there are exceptions. I have seen research surveys that seemed to me slanted and intended to get a desired result, and also consultation exercises where those doing the consultation didn't care which side won providing that both sides saw them as fair and neutral.

In any event if I simply reply to John Vanderburg's question with "RCOM collectively was not consulted, though I don't know if any individual RCOM members were consulted about those questions." it is then up to others whether they encourage those doing similar similar exercises in the future to involve us first.


On 6 September 2011 10:54, Milos Rancic <> wrote:
On Tue, Sep 6, 2011 at 11:52, Milos Rancic <> wrote:
> responded to Robert's questions [1]. However, nothing from the
> presented facts about positioning of libraries were adopted, as the
> idea was not to make compromise, but to push censorship to please some
> people around WMF.

Wrong wording: However, nothing from the presented facts about
positioning of libraries were adopted, as the idea was not to follow
the principles, but to reach political consensus.

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