FAILURE: BROWSER=firefox,MEDIAWIKI_ENVIRONMENT=beta,PLATFORM=Linux,label=contintLabsSlave && UbuntuTrusty Build #95 (Tue, 23 Aug 2016 18:50:00 +0000)

Test Result

30 failed, 0 skipped

Failed Tests

Test NameDurationAge
Add badges to sitelinks.Choose a badge23 sec1
Add badges to sitelinks.Save a badge48 sec32
Add badges to sitelinks.Save a badge and reload47 sec32
Adding references to statements.Cancel reference (outline example : | click the statement cancel button |)7.5 sec1
Creating statements of type item.Select a property, use entity selector1 min 2 sec1
Creating statements of type string.Adding a statement of type string and reload page10 sec1
Edit sitelinks.Add multiple sitelinks50 sec32
Edit sitelinks.Add new sitelink to already referenced site36 sec32
Edit sitelinks.Add sitelink (outline example : | en | Asia | Asia |)39 sec32
Edit sitelinks.Add sitelink (outline example : | sq | wikipedia | Wikipedia |)40 sec37
Edit sitelinks.Edit sitelink44 sec32
Edit sitelinks.List of sitelinks is complete39 sec32
Edit sitelinks.Remove multiple sitelinks46 sec48
Edit sitelinks.Save sitelink (outline example : | click the sitelink save button |)33 sec32
Edit sitelinks.Save sitelink (outline example : | press the RETURN key in the pagename input field |)37 sec32
Edit sitelinks.Save sitelink and reload (outline example : | click the sitelink save button |)33 sec32
Edit sitelinks.Save sitelink and reload (outline example : | press the RETURN key in the pagename input field |)35 sec32
Setting snaktypes of statements.Change the snaktype and save (outline example : | novalue |)11 sec1
Using geo properties in statements.Adding a statement of type geo32 sec1
Using geo properties in statements.Adding a statement of type geo and reload page31 sec2
Using geo properties in statements.Check geo UI for invalid values (outline example : | 1 11 199 9 |)7 sec1
Using geo properties in statements.Check geo UI for invalid values (outline example : | astring |)6.1 sec1
Using monolingual properties in statements.Adding a statement of type monolingual (outline example : | German |)33 sec1
Using monolingual properties in statements.Adding a statement of type monolingual and use keyboard to select language (outline example : | German |)6.6 sec1
Using quantity properties in statements.Check quantity UI for invalid values (outline example : | astring |)6.5 sec1
Using time properties in statements.Adding a statement of type time (outline example : | press the RETURN key in the claim value input field |)6.5 sec1
Using time properties in statements.Time parser in the preview and precision detection should work properly (outline example : | 12.11.1981 | 12 November 1981 | Gregorian | day |)6.3 sec1
Using url properties in statements.Adding a statement of type url (outline example : | click the statement save button |)6.9 sec1
Using url properties in statements.Adding a statement of type url and reload page33 sec2
Using url properties in statements.Save a statement of type url and check the link href33 sec2

All Tests

(root)2 hr 16 min300210