FAILURE: BROWSER=chrome,MEDIAWIKI_ENVIRONMENT=test,PLATFORM=Linux,label=BrowserTests Build #653 (Thu, 01 Mar 2018 04:40:00 +0000)

Test Result

22 failed, 78 skipped

Failed Tests

Test NameDurationAge
Adding references to statements.Reference UI has all required elements16 ms16
Creating statements.Cancel statement after selecting a property (outline example : | click the statement cancel button |)9.1 sec24
Creating statements.Cancel statement after selecting a property (outline example : | press the ESC key in the claim value input field |)10 sec22
Creating statements.Select a property9.7 sec32
Creating statements.Select a property and enter a statement value9.9 sec34
Creating statements.Select a property, enter a statement value and clear the property8.8 sec20
Creating statements of type item.Adding a statement of type item (outline example : | item1 | click the statement save button |)2.6 sec20
Creating statements of type item.Select a property, use entity selector9.3 sec68
Creating statements of type string.Adding a statement of type string (outline example : | | click the statement save button |)9.9 sec34
Creating statements of type string.Adding a statement of type string (outline example : | it's a string | press the RETURN key in the claim value input field |)2.4 sec41
Creating statements of type string.Adding a statement of type string and reload page10 sec17
Creating statements of type string.Adding a statement of type string with a too long string9.3 sec29
Setting ranks of statements.Check indicated rank7 ms16
Setting snaktypes of statements.Click the snaktype selector19 ms16
Special:SetLabel page.Add a label3.1 sec16
Special:SetLabel page.Edit an existing label3.2 sec16
Special:SetLabel page.Edit using an invalid language fails3 sec16
Using geo properties in statements.Geo UI should work properly15 ms16
Using monolingual properties in statements.Monolingual UI should work properly8 ms17
Using quantity properties in statements.Quantity UI should work properly9 ms17
Using time properties in statements.Time UI should work properly9 ms16
Using url properties in statements.Check UI for invalid values (outline example : | this is no url |)3 ms22

All Tests

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