FAILURE: BROWSER=chrome,MEDIAWIKI_ENVIRONMENT=test,PLATFORM=Linux,label=BrowserTests Build #485 (Sat, 16 Sep 2017 04:40:00 +0000)

Test Result

10 failed, 9 skipped

Failed Tests

Test NameDurationAge
Creating statements of type string.Adding a statement of type string (outline example : | it's a string | press the RETURN key in the claim value input field |)7 ms1
Non existing item.Edit tab5.9 sec67
Setting ranks of statements.Change the rank, save and reload38 sec1
Setting snaktypes of statements.Click the snaktype selector13 ms1
Using quantity properties in statements.Adding a statement of type quantity and reload page19 sec1
Using time properties in statements.Check UI for invalid values (outline example : | 1 11 199 9 |)8.6 sec1
Using time properties in statements.Check UI for invalid values (outline example : | 32.12.2015 |)8.6 sec1
Using time properties in statements.Time UI should work properly1.8 sec1
Using time properties in statements.Time parser in the preview and precision detection should work properly (outline example : | 1 1 | January 1 | Julian | month |)10 sec1
Using time properties in statements.Time parser in the preview and precision detection should work properly (outline example : | 1 | 1 | Julian | year |)8.9 sec1

All Tests

(root)1 hr 44 min109200