FAILURE: Build #78 (Tue, 10 Jun 2014 03:32:09 +0000)

Test Result

24 failed, 7 skipped

Failed Tests

Test NameDurationAge
Manage translator sandbox.Accepting a user creates a user page24 sec1
Manage translator sandbox.Accepting all users23 sec1
Manage translator sandbox.Clicking a username when another user is selected selects only the new user; Clicking on a name of a user who made some translations shows the user information and the action buttons and some translations21 sec1
Manage translator sandbox.Clicking on a name of a user who didn't make any translations shows the user information and the action buttons and doesn't show translations20 sec1
Manage translator sandbox.Emptying the search field shows all the users18 sec1
Manage translator sandbox.Existing users can be searched on the list19 sec1
Manage translator sandbox.Rejecting multiple users22 sec1
Manage translator sandbox.Search for users and accept the first user21 sec1
Manage translator sandbox.Searching for a user by language20 sec1
Manage translator sandbox.Searching for a user by language and selecting all users20 sec1
Manage translator sandbox.Searching for languages to which nobody translates21 sec1
Manage translator sandbox.Searching for non-existing users displays no results20 sec1
Manage translator sandbox.Selecting a second user with translations and deselecting it9.6 sec14
Manage translator sandbox.Selecting all users20 sec1
Manage translator sandbox.Selecting multiple users22 sec14
Manage translator sandbox.Selecting multiple users and then one user again26 sec14
Manage translator sandbox.Selecting older requests20 sec1
Manage translator sandbox.Selecting the last request should make the older requests counter disappear19 sec1
Manage translator sandbox.Showing users who translate to all languages20 sec1
Manage translator sandbox.There are no users in the sandbox1.3 sec1
Manage translator sandbox.Translation Administrator should be able to see a list of pending requests with usernames in the first column, sorted by the number of translations and the most recent within them, and the first user should be selected21 sec1
Translation stash.Can improve own earlier translation6.4 sec78
Translation stash.Can make a translation46 sec78
Translation stash.Common elements in translation widget48 sec78

All Tests

(root)15 min24733