FAILURE: BROWSER=chrome,MEDIAWIKI_ENVIRONMENT=beta,PLATFORM=Linux,label=BrowserTests Build #706 (Sun, 25 Nov 2018 18:49:00 +0000)

Test Result

17 failed, 1 skipped

Failed Tests

Test NameDurationAge
Check UI components.Check existence of important UI components on other pages.5 sec7
Check UI components.Check existence of important UI components on other pages.5.3 sec7
Language selection.Checking that the suggested language link has been created5.3 sec3
Manage Watchlist.Add an article to the watchlist12 ms9
Search.Clicking on a watchstar toggles the watchstar5.1 sec7
Search.Clicking search input in tablet mode4.8 sec7
Search.Going back to the previous page6.2 sec7
Search.Search doesn't break after one search result5.3 sec7
Search.Search with enter key5.1 sec7
Talk.A newly created topic appears in the list of topics immediately6.7 sec7
Talk.Add discussion for talk page possible as logged in user4.3 sec7
Talk.Add discussion on talk page not possible as logged out user4.9 sec7
Talk.Add topic button shows on talk pages for logged in users4.9 sec7
Talk.Talk on a page that does exist0.27 sec7
Talk.Talk on a page that doesn't exist (bug 64268)6.8 sec4
Toggling sections.Section open by default on tablet3.3 sec7
User:.Check components in user page14 ms4

All Tests

(root)8 min 32 sec17154