FAILURE: BROWSER=chrome,MEDIAWIKI_ENVIRONMENT=beta,PLATFORM=Linux,label=DebianJessie && contintLabsSlave Build #177 (Sat, 14 Apr 2018 19:47:00 +0000)

Test Result

10 failed, 0 skipped

Failed Tests

Test NameDurationAge
Adding references to statements.Check UI elements when editing reference31 sec1
Creating statements.Cancel statement after selecting a property (outline example : | click the statement cancel button |)39 sec17
Creating statements.Cancel statement after selecting a property (outline example : | press the ESC key in the claim value input field |)39 sec1
Creating statements.Select a property and enter a statement value38 sec2
Creating statements.Select a property, enter a statement value and clear the property38 sec2
Creating statements of type item.Adding a statement of type item (outline example : | item1 | click the statement save button |)36 sec1
Creating statements of type item.Select a property, use entity selector40 sec1
Creating statements of type string.Adding a statement of type string (outline example : | it's a string | press the RETURN key in the claim value input field |)34 sec1
Creating statements of type string.Adding a statement of type string and reload page37 sec9
Creating statements of type string.Adding a statement of type string with a too long string38 sec1

All Tests

(root)46 min100212