FAILURE: browsertests-Wikidata-WikidataTests-linux-chrome-sauce Build #394 (Sat, 14 May 2016 01:29:00 +0000)

Test Result

4 failed, 0 skipped

Failed Tests

Test NameDurationAge
Creating statements.Cancel statement (outline example : | press the ESC key in the claim entity selector input field |)26 sec13
Edit sitelinks.Remove multiple sitelinks40 sec68
Edit sitelinks.Save sitelink and reload (outline example : | press the RETURN key in the pagename input field |)31 sec2
Using time properties in statements.Time parser in the preview and precision detection should work properly (outline example : | 10000 | 10000 years CE | Gregorian | 10,000 years |)8 min 36 sec1

All Tests

(root)2 hr 19 min40210