On the pywiki side, I am thinking of reworking query module in this direction, and help with migrating all API requests through it. There could always be two levels for the script authors - low level, where individual API parameters are known to the script writer and the result is returned as a dict(), and high level - with most common features offered by API are wrapped in methods, yet the speed is almost the same as low level (multiple data items returned per web request).
pg1 = Page(u'Python')
pg2 = Page(u'Cobra')
pg3 = Page(u'Viper')
pages = [pg1, pg2, pg3]
params = {'prop': 'links', 'pllimit' : 'max', 'titles': pages}
# QueryBlocks -- run query until there is no more "continue", return the dictionary as-is from each web call.
for block in pywiki.QueryBlocks(params):
# Process block
# QueryPages -- will take any query that returns a list of pages, and yield one page at a time. The individual page data will be merged accross multiple API calls in case it exceeds the limit. This method could also return pre-populated Page objects.
for page in pywiki.QueryPages(params):
# process one page at a time
# Page object will have its links() property populated
# List* methods work with list= API to request all available items based on the parameters:
for page in pywiki.ListAllPages(from=u'T', getContent=True, getLinks=True):
# each page object will be prepopulated with links and page content
Thanks! Any feedback is helpful =)