On 25 February 2011 15:49, <info@gno.de> wrote:
>>> append = True
>>> (lambda x: x and 'a' or 'w')(append)
>>> append = False
>>> (lambda x: x and 'a' or 'w')(append)

By the way, alternative options would be:

>>> append = True
>>> append and 'a' or 'w'
>>> append = False
>>> append and 'a' or 'w'

Of course, the
>>> 'a' if append else 'w'

is nicer, but has only been supported for python 2.5+.

An alternative, third, method, would be

>>> append = True
>>> ['w', 'a'][append]
>>> append = False
>>> ['w', 'a'][append]

No reason to change the working code, of course, but just possibilies to keep in mind.

Best regards,