From: Merlijn van Deen
Sent: Friday, October 29, 2010 11:54 AM

3. Properties files: 
YAML : .


These two are equal as far as I am concerned. I have more experience with YAML than with properties-based stuff, but I think for translations the only difference is the usage of : (YAML) instead of = (properties).


The big advantage of getting TW to export into the currently used format is obvious: it requires less changes at our end. However, in the long run, it would make sense to split off translations from the scripts and import them. The format we use at that point is pretty much irrelevant, as there will be some intermediate layer to read the translations.


Hi Merlijn. Thanks for your take.


On file formats and possible restrictions: two restriction for .properties that are not present in YAML:

·         key=message *must* be on one line. In a YAML file this can span over multiple lines, as long as each preceeding line is closed with \

·         no hierarchy can be used to make the messages file better structured and readable (f.e. have a hierarchy per script). YAML files *can* also be flat.


On current i18n structure of pwb and twn: Twn supporting the current structure is not going to happen. I’m only interested in supporting L10n for pwb at twn if pwb uses centralized file(s) with translations.

