I could not understand what it potentially does.If anyone of you could please explain.Regards,Juhi Tandon.On Mon, Oct 13, 2014 at 6:57 PM, JUHI TANDON <juhitandon0@gmail.com> wrote:Hello ,Please guide me on how to start contributing , especially to compat to core migration .I want to contribute to pywikibot. As such I tried to do the setup of compat and core repositories. The script pwb.py wouldnot compile. After having spent considerable time on IRC and help from a developers, I managed to solve the proxy issue and create an account.I am Juhi Tandon, in third year of undergraduate study, pursuing Btech. in Computer Science and MS by Research in Computational Linguistics at International Institute of Information Technology (IIIT) Hyderabad. I want to apply for OPW Winter round 2014.Thanks and Regards,Juhi Tandon.
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