
For you first question, I think it is because pywikibot/version.py wants to get your version from your git repository:
See pywikibot/version.py:
        (tag, rev, date, hsh) = getversion_git()   -> it will try to run git, which you do not have installed.

How to prevent them, I have no clue right know.
Just a rough idea, if possible at all: it should be checked that you have git before invoking it or block the error message from the system.

Regarding your second point, see it as an opportunity to learn :-)


On Sat, Jan 11, 2014 at 11:39 AM, Bináris <wikiposta@gmail.com> wrote:

Az last -- as SVN is totally broken -- I downloaded the latest nightly of compat.
First problem: whatever script I try to run DOS (Windows command) writes me the thing in subject.
I think I have nothing to do with this stuff called git at the moment and didn't say to Windows to run anything by this name. Why I am damned with these messages and how can I prevent them? At the moment I just want to use my bot.

Second problem: version.py from latest nightly says:
Pywikibot: wikipedia.py (r-1 (unknown), b1e1a57, 2014/01/01, 13:01:20, OUTDATED)
Release version: 1.0b1


Yes, I really AM very angry and frustrated with this whole mess and I wish we have never thrown away a well working system just for nothing. Once I used to be a developer of this framework, now I have troubles with making it run at all. I feel I have to build and learn everything again from scratch what I had built and learnt for years. Arghhhxcnmv^^ˇ#&>@&{˘°~˘^°~˘^


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