2012/2/14 Nickanc Wikipedia <nickanc.wiki@gmail.com>
With the help of sk, we were working in making the collection of all
scripts in every wiki. See
. Maybe this work could be continued within this project. :)

Thanks, sounds well!
Two remarks:
*Unfortunately, some source codes are marked with <pre> instead of source. We could either rewrite them and apologize from the owner :-), or listen to some other attributes, like the script-like extension in page name. My method to gather scripts in frwiki and zhwiki was to search for "import wikipedia". (This may exclude some rewrite users.)

*instead of <source lang="something"> <source .*?lang="something".*?> should better be considered, because SyntaxHighlight has additional parameters. I myself use
<source lang="python" enclose="div"> to avoid long lines for which the horizontal scrollbar does not appear. This results sometimes in a less Pythonic appearence, but without this long lines may be read only in edit view. (PEP 8 is our friend, but cannot be always applied.)

If you plan to gather scripts in several languages, to separate personal "common" and "vector" and "monobook" scripts, because they might flood the collection with very small real use.
