The following is a joint request of Michael [[n:de:Benutzer:kju]] and myself ([[n:en:User:Terinjokes]]) regarding changes to pywikipedia bot's operation with interlingual links. Currently, pywikipedia supports two methods of dealing with these interlingual link, either move links to the bottom of the page (default action) or (through `self.interwiki_attop') move them to the top of the page. Both actions apply for all pages on the wiki that it's activated on. This causes problems on certain pages on the wiki, for example, community pages.

Certainly on wiki, one may find 3 cases: 1) No interlingual blocks yet, 2) Interlingual blocks already present or 3) Interlingual links spread out across the page. Cases one and two would be the most common.

Thus, we propose the following changes: In case one, interlingual blocks should be created in the default location for the wiki (generally at the bottom, but may be overridden by `self.interwiki_attop'). In case two, the interlingual block should be left in it's current location, with the bot editing it (for whatever reason it needs) but without moving it. In case three, the links should be moved to the default location.

Please reply!
