2011/8/18 Jan Dudík
These are *my own* lines (czech spelling) in one part:
Some errors (I don't promise to find all)
text = pywikibot.replaceExcept(text, r'<br\>', r'<br />',
This is equivalent to r'<br>', r'<br />',
If you want to find <br\>, write r'<br\\> for a literal backslash.
['comment', 'math', 'nowiki', 'pre'])
text = pywikibot.replaceExcept(text, r'<\br>', r'<br />',
\b means the start or end of a word. I don't think this is what you meant. If you are looking for <\br> strings, write r'<\\br>'
m.', ['comment', 'math', 'nowiki', 'pre'])
text = pywikibot.replaceExcept(text, u' m. n. m.', u' m n.
Write \. instead of . This caused your error in Ferrari.
['comment', 'math', 'nowiki', 'pre'])
text = pywikibot.replaceExcept(text, u' viz.', u' viz',
Again, write \. This is the other error.
Whether or not the bot handles your expression as regex, is not sotred within the expression itself, rather somewhere else among the settings, but I never used cc. Read the description of replaceExcept for a regex switch (it is in textlib.py in pywikipedia directory).