
we got a request to rename a lot of articles in huwiki. See http://hu.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Wikip%C3%A9dia:Botgazd%C3%A1k_%C3%BCzen%C5%91fala&curid=69093&diff=8179481&oldid=8178513#G.C5.91zmozdonyok_sz.C3.B3cikk-c.C3.ADmei
All the "0" chars in titles mean "any digit". As far as I see, move.py does not handle regexps in the way replace.py does, although I would just need this feature.

How would you solve this problem?
Earlier in another problem I generated "move X Y" lines with Excel, and put them in a batch file, calling move.py as many times as the number of articles to rename, what is not too nice, but now I don't know all the original titles, only patterns.
