The comment about WMF labs makes me want to kill kittens. Pywikipedia supports a lot of other projects besides the WMF. Your POV lacks perspective.

On Tuesday, October 1, 2013, Tom wrote:
For what it's worth. I was ready to give up on Git with php dev until I started using the IDE, Eclipse, as my "local" version control of my repo with the Git plugin. IMO, the interface of Git for windows is garbage and the syntax isn't as user friendly or intuitive as it could be. I uninstalled it completely. From Eclipse, I can push and pull to my own Git repo and fetch all the upstream changes to forks in my repo.

Eclipse makes it so much easier to understand what's going on in the background, fork, branch and apply patches. Plus you can revert local changes simply.

I'm not developing in Python, just a pywikiapedia bot user but I think there's a plugin for Python Dev in Eclipse. Might be a better IDE to use.


> On Oct 1, 2013, at 4:41 PM, Amir Ladsgroup <> wrote:
>> On 10/1/13, Jan Dudík <> wrote:
>> I still don't understand, why was abandoned SVN and is there some git
>> instead.
> Git despite being pain in the ass sometimes because of complexity is a
> pretty damn good version control system
>> In svn times when there was some critical problem, usually was patch after
>> some hours. One person wrote it, submited it and other users can download
>> and use.
>> now there was critical bug with, which happened about 15th
>> september. In these days was old sourceforge tracker moved to bugzilla, so
>> report was lost somewhere. After ten days I reported this bug again[1].
>> Three days later there was patch, but we had to wait one week more when
>> another developer rewieved this patch.
> Sorry not to see your bug, I sent the correcting patch like five hours
> later after I saw it
>> now there are hundrets of new unconnected articles in wiktionaries,
>> wikiquotes, wikinews...
>> In the meantime there was some diff, from which was possible to patch
>> manually scripts [2], but not in plaintext, with tabs instead of spaces;
>> and nowhere was complete patched file to download.
> you can do it in linux (and zip it and use it in windows)  for example
> for my patch it's
> "git fetch ssh://
> refs/changes/47/86047/3 && git checkout FETCH_HEAD"
> Just copy the "download" tab in the change page
>> The second problem is git: some people on IRC said, that there were many
>> people in Hackathon who weren't able to instal git correctly - and all of
>> them have PC with Windows - and it were about 80% of people with windows.
>> Is somewhere *simple manual* how to install and run git updates on windows?
>> or is somewhere *simple manual* how to use svn again?
>> and is somewhere possibility do download certain file from bot? now there
>> are only nightly dumps, which overwrites my changes in files when I want to
>> unpack it...
> NO! people hadn't issue with git (because we provided files in flash
> drives), main problem was BS.
> IMHO people should run bots in WMF Labs, not their home PC, and high
> proportion of bot operators are doing what is correct in my opinion.
> NO! there is a very long and simple manual in here:
>> [1]
>> [2]
>> JAnD
> Best
> --
> Amir
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