Hi John,

On 4 June 2014 10:00, John Mark Vandenberg <jayvdb@gmail.com> wrote:
As I was fiddling with httplib2, I also tried to take bug 65189 which
upgrades our externals to httplib2 v0.9. however, when I initiate a
git review after having done a lovely merge, I see the following scary

Err, no?
That is 140 changesets. ;-(
Surely something is wrong... ;-)

Yeah, it's a bit of a mess to update :-) I should document it somewhere more durable, but what I did now:

* updated https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/#/admin/projects/pywikibot/externals/httplib2,access to allow the 'pywikibot' group to push to 'origin' without review
* on tools.pywikibot:

git clone https://github.com/jcgregorio/httplib2 httplib2-git-origin
cd httplib2-git-origin
git remote add gerrit ssh://gerrit/pywikibot/externals/httplib2
gitdir=$(git rev-parse --git
-dir); scp -p -P 29418 pywikipedia-conversion-bot@gerrit:hooks/commit-msg ${gi
git config user.name "tools.pywikibot"
git config user.email "valhallasw@gmail.com"
# gerrit is configured in .ssh/config to be gerrit.wm.o with the correct port and key

# then first update the 'origin' remote
git checkout origin/master
git push gerrit master:origin # this is a direct push without review

# then do the merge
git fetch gerrit master
git checkout FETCH_HEAD
git merge origin/master
git commit --amend
git push gerrit HEAD:refs/for/master

So now we have https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/#/c/137369/ which can actually be reviewed. Ugh.
