From: Merlijn van Deen <>
To: Eric K <>; Pywikipedia discussion list <>
Cc: Jon Harald Søby <>
Sent: Sunday, January 15, 2012 3:09 PM
Subject: Re: [Pywikipedia-l]
Need help for: Page rename / insert text / update links
2012/1/15 Eric K <>
> I'm seeing the same. I went to this regex chat and asked them for a regex, which worked on the regex tester but not on the bot :-(.
Note that you need to escape several characters to work correctly from
the shell. This means that -titleregex:.*[^\w\s-].* should rather be
something like -titleregex:".*[^\w\s-].*"
You can test this using echo, to make sure the value passed to
pywikipedia is the correct one.
valhallasw@dorthonion:~/src/pywikipedia/trunk$ echo ".*[^\w\s-].*"
valhallasw@dorthonion:~/src/pywikipedia/trunk$ echo .*[^\w\s-].*