Hi William,

On 2 July 2013 22:56, William H. Magill <magill@icloud.com> wrote:
The implication from everything I have read so far, is that I will need to create a "Family" file to support this private wiki.
This is correct.
Q1 -- Assuming this is necessary ...(which is the first question... is a "FAMIILY" and family file necessary at all when running against a private Wiki.

Reading the file families/README-family.txt" the first thing it suggests is to run the script -- "generate_family_file.py". 
Which is also correct
--- it fails consistently. 
Which it shouldn't :-)
> python generate_family_file.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "generate_family_file.py", line 36, in <module>
    import config
  File "/Users/magill/pywikipedia/config.py", line 606, in <module>
  File "./user-config.py", line 4, in <module>
    usernames['mywiki']['en'] = u'magill-bot'
KeyError: 'mywiki'

Basically, what is happening is that generate_family_file is loading your user-config file, but your user-config file has an unrecognised family name ('mywiki') in it. This should not happen, but as a workaround, try removing your user-config, /then/ running generate_family_file.py and /then/ generate_user_files.py.

I've opened a bug for this at https://sourceforge.net/p/pywikipediabot/bugs/1639/

Hope this helps!
