This fails:
myCat = pywikibot.Category(mySite, "Wikipedia:Globalt perspektiv-samtliga");
The error is:
ValueError: 'Wikipedia:Globalt perspektiv-samtliga' is not in the category namespace!
Creating it as a page with namespace set to 14 results in:
>>> myPage = pywikibot.Page(mySite, 'Wikipedia:Globalt perspektiv-samtliga', ns=14);
>>> print myPage.title();
Wikipedia:Globalt perspektiv-samtliga
>>> print myPage.namespace();
The title's namespace overrides the given option, which itsn't what I would expect. However, if I add the category namespace prefix to the title (localised to Swedish it's "Kategori:Wikipedia:Globalt perspektiv-samtliga"), I get the right namespace and such.
Not sure if this is a bug or a feature, so I figured I'd post a note here and see if anyone had any views on it, rather than just file the bug in SF.