Redundance causes incoherence, the only mean to avoid this is copying data in an automatic way, and block edits of the copied data into all storage points, but one (IMHO).

I'm a little bit confused about wikidata: have been something like this implemented? 

Alex brollo

2014-05-20 9:33 GMT+02:00 Gerard Meijssen <>:
Amir Ladsgroup has developed reports that show differences between the date of birth and the date of death as known in the English Wikipedia and Wikidata.

Such differences may be wrong in either Wikidata or Wikipedia. They are the ones that need attention, they are the ones where sources makes a real difference.

At this stage Amir is finalising the code. Given that this software can run repeatedly, the results will change when the software l earns about changes in either Wikidata or Wikipedia. 

One practical question is where should these reports be located. It can be in both Wikipedia and Wikidata. It is likely that many similar reports reporting on different statements will become available.

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