2013/10/1 Adrián Chaves Fernández <adriyetichaves@gmail.com>

O Martes, 1 de Outubro de 2013 20:34:49 Jan Dudík escribiu:

> Nothing to do with Git, then :)
everything to do with no-more-svn. You can name it git, gerrit, giggle, genital or other g...

> The second problem is git: some people on IRC said, that there were many

> people in Hackathon who weren't able to instal git correctly - and all of

> them have PC with Windows - and it were about 80% of people with windows.

> Is somewhere *simple manual* how to install and run git updates on windows?


So, actually, the second problem is people’s unability to find help online.


I suggest looking for a Git GUI. The official Git download page, http://git-scm.com/downloads, provides other, many alternatives: http://git-scm.com/downloads/guis . Also, if these Windows users are TortoiseSVN users, a good candidate might be http://code.google.com/p/tortoisegit/

Tortoise git needs to download git.exe as separate programm.
And after try of update i got error message:

fatal: Not a git repository: /data/project/pywikibot/public_html/core/.git/modules/externals/httplib2