Feature Requests item #3092224, was opened at 2010-10-21 18:52 Message generated for change (Tracker Item Submitted) made by drtrigon You can respond by visiting: https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&atid=603141&aid=3092224...
Please note that this message will contain a full copy of the comment thread, including the initial issue submission, for this request, not just the latest update. Category: None Group: None Status: Open Priority: 5 Private: No Submitted By: Dr. Trigon (drtrigon) Assigned to: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody) Summary: sysop in botlist.py and watchlist.py not used
Initial Comment: The 'sysop' parameter used in the bot- and watchlist (e.g. in the 'refresh' method) is of NO USE at the moment (in the current code implementation).
This should be solved, thus either: - remove the 'sysop' parameter - OR change the code to make use of this parameter
More or less all the 'sysop' code parts were introduced by alexsh (watchlist) and in order to that by xqt and me too (botlist).
Thanks a lot and Greetings!
You can respond by visiting: https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&atid=603141&aid=3092224...