[patches:#625] Pagegenerator: follow redirects, intersection, exclusion

Status: open
Created: Sat Aug 24, 2013 09:57 PM UTC by AndreasJS
Last Updated: Sat Aug 24, 2013 09:57 PM UTC
Owner: nobody

I added three new arguments:

Used with other arguments that specify a set of pages.
If a specified page is a redirect page, work on its
target page.

Argument to be used between two other arguments.
Work only on pages normally specified by both the
previous and the next argument.

Argument to be used between two other arguments.
Work only on pages normally specified by the
previous argument but not by the next argument.

For example, one could want to find the pages edited by a specific user that contain a certain keyword in a title.

A few other suggestions:
Exclude sections, even on files.
Compare pages via the Page.__cmp__ property to exclude duplicate pages instead of
u"%s:%s:%s" % (page._site.family.name, page._site.lang, page._title).
(more transparent and easier to maintain).

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