jayvdb created this task. jayvdb added a subscriber: jayvdb. jayvdb added a project: Pywikibot-Wikidata. jayvdb changed Security from none to none.
TASK DESCRIPTION Similar errors occur in addClaim, addSource, etc .. but here is the backtrace for editEntity updating an item.
Welcome to the Pywikibot interactive shell!
import pywikibot datasite = pywikibot.site.DataSite('test', 'wikidata', None, None) item = pywikibot.page.ItemPage(datasite, 'Q68') item.get()
Found 4 wikidata:test processes running, including this one. {'claims': {u'P115': [<pywikibot.page.Claim instance at 0xb611b5ac>]}, 'labels': {u'en': u'Test123'}, 'sitelinks': {}, 'descriptions': {}, 'aliases': {u'en': [u'1417625792.03']}}
Logging in to wikidata:test as JVbot Should be logged in now SIMULATION: wbeditentity action blocked. Traceback (most recent call last): File "<console>", line 1, in <module> File ".../pywikibot/page.py", line 3035, in editEntity self.lastrevid = updates['entity']['lastrevid'] KeyError: 'entity'
TASK DETAIL https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T76694
REPLY HANDLER ACTIONS Reply to comment or attach files, or !close, !claim, !unsubscribe or !assign <username>.
To: jayvdb Cc: Aklapper, jayvdb, pywikipedia-bugs