Is this important enough to backport to older versions maybe?

I also don't upgrade often and it does take a while to fix automatic bots, but I'm not a fan of carrying legacy code (especially for something with potential security implications) for decades. 7 years sounds enough :)


Pe joi, 23 septembrie 2021, masti <> a scris:
> one thing that falls to my mind:
> there are a lot of changes and breaking changes. But please keep in mind tha ta lot of bots are run by people that do it in their free time. They are not focused on doing that as their primary job. Please try to keep pywikibot updates in a way that allows for them to keep up.
> I have bots that run on very outdated code and they do run fine. That means that forcing updates is not necessary.
> masti
> On 9/22/21 8:53 PM, Kunal Mehta wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> Bots and tools using Pywikibot must upgrade to version 6.6.1[1] otherwise they will break when deprecated API parameters are removed[2]. If you have any questions or need help in upgrading, please reach out using one of the Pywikibot communication channels[3].
>> [1]
>> [2]
>> [3]
>> Thanks,
>> -- Legoktm
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