Creating properties should happen in repo.editEntity but looking there I see that it's marked as TODO.

So you can either patch that or use the layout for a local function which creates properties instead.


André Costa
GLAM Developer
Wikimedia Sverige

On 25 Mar 2016 09:32, "comfortably numb" <> wrote:
Hi pywikibot experts,

Just a little update about the 3rd method I found to automatically create new properties: the use of the php script "importProperties.php" ( ).

I simply modified the 'createProperty' function ( ), as follows:

         * @param string[] $contents Associative array, mapping language codes to labels.
         * @return bool true if the item was created, false otherwise
        private function createProperty( array $contents ) {
                $property = Property::newFromType( 'string' );
                $fingerprint = $property->getFingerprint();

                foreach ( $contents as $contents_to_be_split ) {
                        list($propertylabel_en, $propertydescription_en, $propertylabel_it, $propertydescription_it) = explode("|", $contents_to_be_split);
                        $fingerprint->setLabel( "en", $propertylabel_en );
                        $fingerprint->setDescription( "en", $propertydescription_en );
                        $fingerprint->setLabel( "it", $propertylabel_it );
                        $fingerprint->setDescription( "it", $propertydescription_it );

                try {
                        $this->store->saveEntity( $property, 'imported', $this->user, EDIT_NEW );
                        return true;
                } catch ( Exception $ex ) {
                        $this->doPrint( 'ERROR: ' . str_replace( "\n", ' ', $ex->getMessage() ) );

                return false;

It works for more complex cases of fingerprints also containing descriptions, and multiple languages (but it doesn't work for the creation of statements into the new property)

In any case, I would really prefer a solution based on Pywikibot, as described in my previous mail

Thanks for your attention!

On Wed, Mar 23, 2016 at 2:57 PM, comfortably numb <> wrote:
Hi pywikibot experts,

How can I create new properties via pywikibot? (I'm trying to do it via bot, because I'm doing some experiments on a dedicated wikibase installation with - possibly - hundreds of properties to be created... and Pywikibot would certainly be my favorite tool!)

In case I have, instead, to directly wrap the action "wbeditentity" from mediawiki API ( ), are there some Python examples?

And, in case I have to use the php script "importProperties.php" ( ), how can I manage properties more complex than the ones contained in the example ( )?

Using pywikibot, I'm able to MODIFY existing properties with instructions like the following ones (which let me generate the object-content in one shot via json ... as I need):

In [1]: import pywikibot ; site = pywikibot.Site() ; repo = site.data_repository()
In [2]: property_page = pywikibot.PropertyPage(repo, u"P2")
In [3]: myjson = {u'descriptions': {u'en': {u'language': u'en', u'value': u'invented description'}}, u'labels': {u'en': {u'language': u'en', u'value': u'test property'}}}
In [4]: property_page.editEntity(myjson)

...but I cannot CREATE new properties (instantiating a PropertyPage object), because pywikibot asks for the identifier of an existing instance:

In [11]: p_page = pywikibot.PropertyPage(repo)
InvalidTitle                              Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-11-e72b812b8cd3> in <module>()
----> 1 p_page = pywikibot.PropertyPage(repo)

/home/user/src/pywikibot_repo/pywikibot/page.pyc in __init__(self, source, title)
   4027         if not title or not'P'):
   4028             raise pywikibot.InvalidTitle(
-> 4029                 u"'%s' is not an property page title" % title)
   4030         Property.__init__(self, source,

InvalidTitle: '' is not an property page title

In [12]:

In fact, as I understand, in the source code of the "WikibasePage" class, I see that
while for the Item type, a "Special case for empty item" is mentioned ( )

        # Special case for empty item.
        if title is None or title == '-1':
            super(ItemPage, self).__init__(site, u'-1', ns=ns)
            assert == '-1'

...for the Property type, instead, an empty object is NOT allowed ( )

        if not title or not'P'):
            raise pywikibot.InvalidTitle(
                u"'%s' is not an property page title" % title)
        Property.__init__(self, source,

Thanks a lot for your attention!

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