If it helps, here are pywikibot/user-config.py and pywikibot/pywikibot/families/comprehensibleinputwiki.py, the only two files I changed.

mylang = 'en'
family = 'comprehensibleinputwiki'
usernames['comprehensibleinputwiki']['en'] = 'LangoBot'
console_encoding = 'utf-8'

from pywikibot import family

# The official Mozilla Wiki. #Put a short project description here.

class Family(family.Family):
    name = 'comprehensibleinputwiki' # Set the family name; this should be the >
    langs = {
        'en': 'comprehensibleinput.miraheze.org', # Put the hostname here.

    # Translation used on all wikis for the different namespaces.
    # Most namespaces are inherited from family.Family.
    # Check the family.py file (in main directory) to see the standard
    # namespace translations for each known language.
    # You only need to enter translations that differ from the default.
#    namespaces[4] = {
#        '_default': 'Meta', # Specify the project namespace here.
#    }

#    namespaces[5] = {
#        '_default': 'Meta talk', # Specify the talk page of the project namesp>
#    }

    def version(self, code):
        return "1.38.4"  # The MediaWiki version used.

    def scriptpath(self, code):
        return '/w' # The relative path of index.php, api.php : look at your wi>
        # This line may need to be changed to /wiki or /w,
        # depending on the folder where your mediawiki program is located.
        # Note: Do not _include_ index.php, etc.

Dec 18, 2022, 05:22 by wikiposta@gmail.com:

<info@gno.de> ezt írta (időpont: 2022. dec. 18., V, 9:22):
It is 1.38.4 

That is not too old, the problem should be elsewhere.