Hi Mahfuza,
I'm writing to express my interest in being a part of the team that is creating a Conda package for Pywikibot. I'm a beginner Python programmer, but I have experience making web apps in Flask. I'm also eager to learn more about Pywikibot and Conda Forge.
In addition to Python, I also have experience with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. I'm also familiar with version control systems (Git).
I understand that I may need some mentorship, and I'm willing to put in the work to learn the necessary skills. I'm a quick learner and I'm always up for a challenge.
I am available to communicate at your convenience, in your preferred manner.
Thanks for your time and consideration.
Sincerely, Adnan Bayadwala
Thank you for your positive response and encouragement. I am moving forward with creating the Conda package for Pywikibot.
As we progress with this initiative, we will need a maintainer for the Pywikibot Conda Forge package. The role of the maintainer would be to keep the package up-to-date with the latest releases of Pywikibot, respond to issues related to the Conda Forge package, and generally ensure that the package is working as expected for users.
If anyone in the community is interested in this role, or if you know someone who might be, please respond to this thread or contact me directly. Your participation would be greatly appreciated and would contribute significantly to making Pywikibot more accessible to the wider community.
Mahfuza._______________________________________________On Thu, Jun 1, 2023 at 3:33 PM Bináris <wikiposta@gmail.com> wrote:_______________________________________________Welcome! I think nobody may give you a permission as nobody is boss or owner here. :-) This is a free collaboration. Pywikibot is under MIT license, that is the key.
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