I've never written a script before, and know very little about them. (I've googled, and just got confused.)
If I want to run a heap of movepages.py commands, it seems like I should use something like:
python movepages.py -from:"abc (from Wikipedia)" -to:"abc" -log:movelog
python movepages.py -from:"xyz (from Wikipedia)" -to:"xyz" -log:movelog
My questions:
- If I place the script in my pywikipedia directory, do I still need to add a cd pywikipedia/ or equivalent after the first line?
- I've seen rundate=`date +"%FT%T%z"` used after the cd command, but I can't figure out what this does. Is it needed?
Chris Watkins (a.k.a. Chriswaterguy)
Appropedia.org - Sharing knowledge to build rich, sustainable lives.
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