On Sep 5, 2013 12:44 PM, <info@gno.de> wrote:
> Jeremy, I did some pushes which where done without any problems. Then I sometimes get that messages. I deleted the clones several times and started a new try over and over again. But I did not found the point. Really I am tired with that stuff. Could we get svn back please.

so then maybe you don't have the hook installed at all. it must be reinstalled every time you reclone.

> git bash doesn't work with refs/for/master review because it seems to redirect it to refs/refs/for/master. Obmitting refs/ creates a new directory /for/master. I'ts very strange.

Well I don't have Windows here and don't have much free time through the end of the weekend but I would love to dig into that more. You should bring these issues first to IRC when you encounter them; there's usually someone around to help. (I'll be back on Monday and feel free to highlight me then. (e.g. say 'jeremyb' in #pywikipediabot on freenode))

> Ok maybe it's windoof. But it's the only ability for all my other development software. I should ask a wikimedia chapter for some sponsoring.

I don't follow. Why would you need sponsorship? run Linux or *bsd somewhere and commit from there. that can be a virtual box VM or a shell in the cloud or dual boot.

> Sorry please, my patience is running out. I should leave that time consuming issue and cook my own soup (would be beautiful ;)
