I always forget to reply to all. :-)

2011/3/7 John <phoenixoverride@gmail.com>
why are you downloading HTML?

Because I have a long list of articles and I have to decide which of them does exist and which does not. Page.exists() would be a more comfortable solution, but it downloads each page to determine, and thus is *extremely* slow at this quantity (4 to 11 thousand titles!). So I analyze the HTML source which takes 1 minute. I tried both and it is worth to process HTML.
2011/3/7 Andre Engels <andreengels@gmail.com>

>>> page = wikipedia.Page(wikipedia.getSite(), "Avant_l%27aurore_(court-m%C3%A9trage)")
>>> page.urlname()

Hi, Andre,
I am afraid I was not clear enough. So I don't want to encode titles; I want to recognize encoded titles.
I wrote urlencode erroriously, I ment urlaname(), sorry for that.

sourcelines contains HTML, and I seek the article called page.
Don't be afraid of for loop, because the requested title will appear in the beginning, so it is fast. This function returns True for "blue" articles and False for "red" ones. My code is:

    def exists(page):
        replacements = [
            #If false positives appear,
            #this list should be expanded.
        u = page.urlname()
        for x,y in replacements:
            u = u.replace(x,y)
        t = 'title=' + u + '&amp;action=edit'
        for line in sourcelines:
            if t in line:
                sourcelines.remove(line) #Makes the bot run MUCH faster!
                return False
        return True
I would like either a more complete list of replacements, or a function for this "half-encoding" if exists in pywikibot. Or a webpage that explains which characters avoid encoding.
