Every now and then bot fails to log (as it has forgotten the password) and ask me to enter it again. Is this normal?.


On Tue, May 11, 2010 at 5:13 PM, Russell Blau <russblau@imapmail.org> wrote:
"Morten Wang" <nettrom@gmail.com> wrote on Wednesday, May 05, 2010 5:36 PM:
> 2: As I was instantiating the LoginManager directly, I noticed that
> they keyword argument had changed from username to user. Not mentioned
> in the conversion docs, although it's an easy fix.

Fixed in r8156
> 3: Login completely failed (but I figured out why), but also noticed
> that it failed with a NameError, there's a reference to _logger in
> login.py. I think it's line 153.

Also fixed in r8156

> 4: Once I figured out that the api is the right LoginManager now
> (because login.py no longer has a getCookie() method), things were
> working again.  Or maybe I'm not supposed to login that way anyway? ;)

There's really never any need to access the LoginManager in bot code.
Simply instantiating a Site object logs you in automatically.  Note that you
can use the -user:XXX command line option to change the default account, or
you can do it in code by instantiating pywikibot.Site(user="XXX").


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