Hi Strainu,

Are there any guidelines on the separation between the pywikibot
framework and the scripts bundled with it? I'm referring in particular
with the way things are deprecated/removed from the framework just
because they're not used _in the scripts bundled with pywikibot_.

The general guideline is that
 - functions in scripts are considered 'private use', and can be removed/refactored without notice,
 - functions in the framework are first deprecated, and removed at some later time. 
 - unless something is marked as internal (_ prefix) or something is practically internal (e.g. a helper function in pywikibot.data.api).

At the same time, master is a development branch, so this is not set in stone (otherwise large scale refactoring becomes impossible). We have a stable branch (2.0), which is what you should use if dealing with the occasional breakage is a large problem.
