I posted this yesterday about 15 hours ago and don't see it yet, so I'm reposting:

I'm new to anything Python related.  I downloaded pywikimedia yesterday and am trying to get this to work.

This is my dump from api.php?action=query&meta=siteinfo&siprop=general|namespaces|namespacealiases|statistics


<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <general mainpage="Main Page" base="http://www.locksmithwiki.com/lockwiki/index.php/Main_Page" sitename="Locksmith Wiki Knowledge Base" generator="MediaWiki 1.15.1" case="first-letter" rights="" lang="en" fallback8bitEncoding="windows-1252" writeapi="" timezone="UTC" timeoffset="0" />
      <ns id="-2" canonical="Media" xml:space="preserve">Media</ns>
      <ns id="-1" canonical="Special" xml:space="preserve">Special</ns>
      <ns id="0" xml:space="preserve" />
      <ns id="1" subpages="" canonical="Talk" xml:space="preserve">Talk</ns>
      <ns id="2" subpages="" canonical="User" xml:space="preserve">User</ns>
      <ns id="3" subpages="" canonical="User talk" xml:space="preserve">User talk</ns>
      <ns id="4" canonical="Project" xml:space="preserve">Locksmith Wiki Knowledge Base</ns>
      <ns id="5" subpages="" canonical="Project talk" xml:space="preserve">Locksmith Wiki Knowledge Base talk</ns>
      <ns id="6" canonical="File" xml:space="preserve">File</ns>
      <ns id="7" subpages="" canonical="File talk" xml:space="preserve">File talk</ns>
      <ns id="8" canonical="MediaWiki" xml:space="preserve">MediaWiki</ns>
      <ns id="9" subpages="" canonical="MediaWiki talk" xml:space="preserve">MediaWiki talk</ns>
      <ns id="10" canonical="Template" xml:space="preserve">Template</ns>
      <ns id="11" subpages="" canonical="Template talk" xml:space="preserve">Template talk</ns>
      <ns id="12" canonical="Help" xml:space="preserve">Help</ns>
      <ns id="13" subpages="" canonical="Help talk" xml:space="preserve">Help talk</ns>
      <ns id="14" canonical="Category" xml:space="preserve">Category</ns>
      <ns id="15" subpages="" canonical="Category talk" xml:space="preserve">Category talk</ns>
      <ns id="6" xml:space="preserve">Image</ns>
      <ns id="7" xml:space="preserve">Image talk</ns>
    <statistics pages="8930" articles="3406" views="87415" edits="15885" images="760" users="264" activeusers="1" admins="2" jobs="0" />


This is my current "lockwiki_family.py" file (I removed the commented out lines):


# -*- coding: utf-8  -*-              # REQUIRED
import config, family, urllib         # REQUIRED

class Family(family.Family):          # REQUIRED
    def __init__(self):               # REQUIRED
        family.Family.__init__(self)  # REQUIRED
        self.name = 'Locksmith Wiki Knowledge Base'        # REQUIRED; replace with actual name

        self.langs = {                # REQUIRED
            'en': 'www.locksmithwiki.com',  # Include one line for each wiki in family

        self.namespaces[4] = {
            '_default': [u'Locksmith Wiki Knowledge Base', self.namespaces[4]['_default']], # REQUIRED

    self.namespaces[-2] = { 'en': 'Media' }
    self.namespaces[-1] = { 'en': 'Special' }
    self.namespaces[1] = { 'en': 'Talk' }
    self.namespaces[2] = { 'en': 'User' }
    self.namespaces[3] = { 'en': 'User talk' }
    self.namespaces[4] = { 'en': 'Locksmith Wiki Knowledge Base' }
    self.namespaces[5] = { 'en': 'Locksmith Wiki Knowledge Base talk' }
    self.namespaces[6] = { 'en': 'File' }
    self.namespaces[7] = { 'en': 'File talk' }
    self.namespaces[8] = { 'en': 'MediaWiki' }
    self.namespaces[9] = { 'en': 'MediaWiki talk' }
    self.namespaces[10] = { 'en': 'Template' }
    self.namespaces[11] = { 'en': 'Template talk' }
    self.namespaces[12] = { 'en': 'Help' }
    self.namespaces[13] = { 'en': 'Help talk' }
    self.namespaces[14] = { 'en': 'Category' }
    self.namespaces[15] = { 'en': 'Category talk' }

        self.content_id = "bodyContent"

        self.interwiki_text_separator = '\r\n\r\n'

        self.interwiki_putfirst = {}

        self.interwiki_putfirst_doubled = {}

        self.interwiki_forward = None

        self.obsolete = {}

        self.category_attop = []

        self.category_on_one_line = []

        self.category_text_separator = '\r\n\r\n'

        self.categories_last = []

    def protocol(self, code):
        Can be overridden to return 'https'. Other protocols are not supported.
        return 'http'

    def scriptpath(self, code):
        """The prefix used to locate scripts on this wiki.

        This is the value displayed when you enter {{SCRIPTPATH}} on a
        wiki page (often displayed at [[Help:Variables]] if the wiki has
        copied the master help page correctly).

        The default value is the one used on Wikimedia Foundation wikis,
        but needs to be overridden in the family file for any wiki that
        uses a different value.

        return '/lockwiki'

    def apipath(self, code):
        return '%s/api.php' % self.scriptpath(code)

    def version(self, code):
        # Replace with the actual version being run on your wiki
        return '1.15.1'

    def code2encoding(self, code):
        """Return the encoding for a specific language wiki"""
        return 'utf-8'


When I go to login.py the screen flashes and closes within a second.

I did have

        self.name = 'Locksmith Wiki Knowledge Base'        # REQUIRED; replace with actual name
            self.namespaces[4] = {
            '_default': [u'Locksmith Wiki Knowledge Base', self.namespaces[4]['_default']], # REQUIRED

set as

        self.name = 'lockwiki'        # REQUIRED; replace with actual name
            self.namespaces[4] = {
            '_default': [u'lockwiki', self.namespaces[4]['_default']], # REQUIRED

and that let me at least enter my password, but the screen closed so quickly I couldn't read the several lines of type that flashed up shortly afterwards.

What am I doing wrong here?