Having problems with pageimport.py on a third-party wiki (WikiQueer).  Anyone else having issues with that script?

I'm calling it from a script I'm playing around with - but no luck.  It doesn't error out - but it doesn't import and confirms that the import failed.

Here's the "test" script I'm working from:

import wikipedia as pywikibot
from pageimport import *
def main():
  wanted_category_title = "Apple"
  enwiki_site = pywikibot.getSite()
  importerbot = Importer(enwiki_site) # Inizializing
  importerbot.Import(wanted_category_title,project='wikipedia', prompt = True)

On a related note, the ultimate goal is to import pages for "Wanted Categories" from English Wikipedia into the third-party wiki.  Any ideas, tips or existing code to that end would also be appreciated.

-greg aka varnent

Lead Administrator, WikiQueer
Founding Principal, VarnEnt