(Reminder: this thread is on encoded section titles that are copied from URL bar to wikitext rather than from wikitext to wikitext, and thus they are pretty unreadable for humans.)

2011/8/10 Merlijn van Deen <valhallasw@arctus.nl>

So -- yes, the code is already there (as pwb is able to decode the section title, as indicated by the representation (returned by Page.__repr__ or Page.__str__). However, title() seems to have some bug.
For me they return still encoded titles. :-(

Oh, and I think the fix is already in cosmetic_changes.py, too. Check def cleanUpLinks (line 314).

Fail again. If you go to http://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mafia_II#T.C3.B6rt.C3.A9net and edit the section, you will wind an example in the 2nd paragraph:
[[Második világháború#Partrasz.C3.A1ll.C3.A1s Szic.C3.ADli.C3.A1ban .28Huskey hadm.C5.B1velet.29|Huskey hadműveletben]]

My code is:
>>> import wikipedia as p
>>> site=p.getSite('hu')
>>> import cosmetic_changes as cc
>>> bot=cc.CosmeticChangesToolkit(site)
>>> title=u'Mafia II'
>>> lap=p.Page(site,title)
>>> text=lap.get()
>>> text2=bot.cleanUpLinks(text)
>>> text==text2

Did I miss something?
I can solve the problem with listing the most frequent characters used in huwiki but I would better like a nice and general solution.

Another issue: á is encoded as .C3.A1. However, a literal .C3.A1 in section title will also appear the same. Is there any way to decide if .C3.A1 stands for á or for .C3.A1? I guess the likelihood of someone writing a literal .C3.A1 into the section title is very small, so this question may be theoretical, but I am a theoretical man. :-)
