Hi Andre,
Thank you for the link.
I have been experiencing a lot of trouble while setting up dependencies for pywikibot. While installing 'oursql' the terminal shows the following error:
mysql.h: No such file or directory
#include "mysql.h"
compilation terminated.
error: command 'gcc' failed with exit status 1--------------------------------------------------------------------
This was probably because i didn't have mysql-c++ connector installed. Hence, I installed the mysql-server. It automatically installed mysql-client. Further, I downloaded the tar ball for my 64 bit ubuntu 14.04 system for mysql-c++ connector. I read the INSTALL file and it directed me to download CMake and Boost. I did so and as the INSTALL file says:
"Run CMake to build a Makefile
me@host:/path/to/mysql-connector-cpp> cmake ."
So I change directory into the untarred folder ( of mysql-c++ connector tarball ) and run the 'cmake .' command. However, my terminal shows that it can't find any CMakeLists.txt files in the folder. When I searched for a file with this name, I found that there are four of them in the 'boost' folder at different levels (such as :
/home/thd/Downloads/boost_1_59_0/libs/serialization/CMake/CMakeLists.txt etc)
While this link (
http://dev.mysql.com/doc/connector-cpp/en/connector-cpp-installation-source.html ) suggests that I do the following:
cmake . -DBOOST_ROOT:STRING=/usr/local/boost_1_40_0
but I can't seem to locate a folder named boost in /usr/local. Though, I do find lots of .a and .so file with their names starting from libboost in /usr/local/lib. Though, again it has no CMakeLists.txt file in it.
I'm unable to make this dependency work for me. It would be great if you helped me in configuring this. I so want to contribute to pywikibot, and learn in the process.
Thank you for bearing with me.