Thank you for the explanation.

The reason why I am asking is this. I am usiong pwb to edit on non-wmf wiki. While editing  from my own local machine I have no problem creating custom family and putting it into the families folder. But recently I wanted to set up pwb on paws. There is a shared pwb folder, which can be used with my personal user-config. But when I want to use it to edit nonWMF wiki I cant, because it defaults to the families the core build is shipped with. Even when I tried to git clone pwb onto my paws server and using it instead of the shared pwb, it still does not work, because it takes the shared family. I know this is rather special usage of pwb, but I couldnt think of any way to get it working.


---------- Původní zpráva ----------
Od: info <>
Komu: Pywikibot discussion list <>
Datum: 22. 10. 2016 0:47:26
Předmět: Re: [pywikibot] nonWMF wiki family in core build

> Am 21.10.2016 um 06:11 schrieb <> <>:
> How do I get my nonWMF wiki family into the families that are shipped with the core build of pywikibot? We are an open education project and there are already wikis such as "battlestarwiki" or "anarchopedia" wikis shipped along with the core build...
> Thank you for your answer.
> =

Hi wesalius,

both are kept for "historical" reasons when porting pywikibot from compat to core release. Now we have a script shipped with the framework which is able to generate the family file and it is not planed to include other families outside the wmf projects (excluding some test sites).

Is there any reason for breaking this "rule"?



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