Im the same way, Ive tried setting up core half a dozen times in the last 18 months and each time within 5 minutes Ive run into critical issues that make running it non-feasible

On Sun, Jun 1, 2014 at 5:30 PM, Andre Engels <> wrote:
To me, the actual functionality of core is zero. I have tried to install it three or four times, and failed every time. Just to check again, I did another attempt. First, trying to download and run compat:

download compat
try to run
answer a number of questions that auto-create a

Now core:
download core
try 'python install'
** 'Python is not recognized as a command'
ok, we're running window, so ' install' instead
** something is downloaded, all kind of files are being copied
** error: Setup script exited with error: Unable to find vcvarsall.bat
Check the internet (Stack Overflow) and see that it means that the setup program assumes that Visual Studio is installed
Check the internet for a download for Visual Studio
** Not free, just a 90 day free trial
Say blergh and give up


On Sun, Jun 1, 2014 at 10:48 PM, Ricordisamoa <> wrote:
It is not a matter of personal tastes, but of actual functionality and progress.
Anyway never mind, no consensus → no warning ;-)

Il 01/06/2014 22:27, Bináris ha scritto:

For God's sake, please, don't even try to dream of that.
Leave people to choose without feeling guilty.
I will keep in mind every time I use trunk that you don't like it without written warning.
Thank you in advance in the name of the planet and mankind.

And sorry for reacting so sharply but we have had enough trouble in the last year because of partially based developments.

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André Engels,

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